Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting out of the Easy Chair

I know that lectures on the need for exercise are tedious and annoying, so you won't get any from me.   But have you seen the reports on the 102 year old man who still goes to the gym working on weights and the rowing machine?  Three cheers for him.   He may not be typical, but he's sure great..

I'm nowhere near his age bracket but I still go to the gym everyday.   When I wake up in the morning I sure don't say to myself "I can't wait to get to the gym!"  It would be much easier to loll in bed sipping coffee and reading the paper.  I go because it's time to go: I do it every day.  I keep count of the number of consecutive days I've gone as a way of motivating me.   (I'm now at 72 days , but  once made it to 259.)  Above is a picture of me on my way to the daily wortkout.   And hey the other day a woman at the gym asked me "Are you 70 yet?"   Oh yeah!   Never mind that I left 70 behind years ago.  It made me feel it was worthwhile.

There are plenty of other ways to get out of that chair.   From my teens on, I loved to go mountain hiking, an activity I had to give up a couple of years ago because of my stiff knees.

Here I am with my daughter Palesa in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park.

And here are wife Qenehelo, friend Jeff, and Palesa about to set off on a 5 km. race.

And here I was in the Colorado Rockies on home leave from the Peace Corps.   So my thought is, go hiking or running if you enjoy it or go to the gym to get yourself into shape, if you are so inclined.

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